I’m Not Supposed To Be Here

Do you have life planned out? Maybe you did at one time. Sometimes we face difficult seasons of life. There are things we can’t plan around. Sometimes in the midst of our difficulties we look up and think “how did I get here?” As we close our series of Alamo Stone Summer at the Movies, we look at the movie Forest Gump. In particular, we will look at the plan Lt. Dan had for his life. Like his father, and his father before him, and his father before him, Lt. Dan was destined to die during combat serving his country. As you remember, Lt. Dan didn’t die serving his country. Just when he thought he was going to have his moment of destiny, he was saved by Forest Gump. We’ll look at Lt. Dan during his lowest moment when he pleads “I’m not supposed to be here!”

Spiritual Warfare Part 2

Good evening Alamo Stone! In case you weren’t here, last week we kicked off a two-part teaching on Spiritual Warfare under our series Alamo Stone @ the Movies. We connected with the movie Wonder Woman, and I chose that one because the movie features a group of highly trained and equipped warriors (the Amazons) who live in isolation, ignoring the fact that a world war is raging beyond the boundaries of their little island paradise. But when war comes to their island, Diana takes on the role of Wonder Woman on a mission to stop the war by finding and defeating Ares, the god of war. From this movie, I want to relate that we as believers have to be careful not to fall into that trap of thinking that it’s okay for us to live in ignorance or isolation from the spiritual war that is going on in the world around us. I also like the fact that Wonder Woman immediately recognized that the true enemy in this war is not the Germans, it is this spiritual enemy who is behind the scenes influencing the mere mortals to destroy each other in war.

Spiritual Warfare Part 1

We’re going to spend the next two weeks looking at this subject of spiritual warfare. This week we’ll be focused on the war and how it affects us as people. Next week we’ll go into more depth on the enemy, how he operates, and what we should do about it. In our study of spiritual warfare, we’re going to be blazing our way through a ton of scriptures. I’ll have them up here on the slides in the ESV so we can make our way through them quickly. If we move too quickly through them or you have any questions, you can come talk with me afterwards and I can get the scripture references to you.

Jerry McGuire and King Solomon

Show me the money! As Jerry McGuire and King Solomon find out, riches are nice tools, but not satisfying to the soul. Jerry puts it in these words: Fewer clients, less money. Solomon put it this way: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this is also vanity.” Ecclesiastes 5: 10. What is your mission in life?

Brought To Jesus

What would you do to bring someone to Jesus? Would you drag them across town? Would you carry them on a stretcher? Would you tear a hole in someones roof and lower them down through the roof? Okay before you get out the demolition equipment, let’s look at Mark chapter 2 and see what lengths some dedicated friends went through so their friend be before Jesus.

You Gotta Call It

We all face tough decisions. Sometimes we know they are coming and we put them off until later. We all must decide what to make of the person Jesus. He claimed he was one with God. He claimed he was God. Lets look at the books of John and Daniel and see how people reacted to Jesus’s claims of divinity. Is he LORD, liar, or lunatic? You gotta call it.